Every month we will look at specific competencies within the Framework for Competent Child Welfare Practice for both child welfare workers and supervisors. We hope to explore what competency development really means to our work. Throughout August, we will look at the worker competency of Engagement and the supervisor competency of Human Resource Management.
Through engagement, workers can respectfully relate to and engage families from a strengths-based, family-centered perspective. This aids in establishing common goals concerning child safety, permanency and well-being.
For supervisors, competence in Human Resource Management is critical to understand and adhere to the procedures, regulations, and laws related to hiring, disciplining and terminating staff. Human Resource Management competence also leads to more effective and results-driven performance appraisals.
As you read through the competencies you will likely be reminded of your own experiences working in the field. Feel free to share those stories with us at info@mnchildwelfaretraining.com.
Articles about the competencies discussed in July can be found in the Academy Updates.
While the COVID-19 pandemic prevents us from offering in-person trainings, we have moved most of our training offerings online and delivered exclusively through Zoom Video Communications. If there are trainings you want to attend but the course is full, please register for the waiting list. This will help us know what additional courses we need to add. If you have questions or want to request a training, let us know at info@mnchildwelfaretraining.com.
Staff Highlight: Lolita Johnson
Welcome Lolita Johnson, our new Curriculum Supervisor Lolita has over 20 years of leadership, training, and design experience that relates to adult education and development. Analyzing, researching, and assessing educational needs serves as an important component in the ongoing effort to design meaningful curriculum that supports growth and engagement.
SSIS Coffee Talk Tuesdays for Fiscal and Worker Mentors These webinars are for all Social Service Information System (SSIS) mentors and coordinators and will focus on specific SSIS topics. The next webinar is on Tuesday, August 18 at 9:00 a.m. and will focus on MAPCY and on SSIS Statewide Release 20.3. All webinars will be offered via Zoom; registration is required. Questions regarding topics are appreciated in advance and should be directed to the SSIS Help Desk.
We Are Hiring (soon)!
In the next few weeks we will begin accepting applications for the following positions:
Evaluation Supervisor
Graphic Designer
Administrative Associate
Curriculum Developer
Watch for follow-up mailings and social media posts about these positions.
Give Us Your Feedback
Your feedback will help us to improve training efforts and strengthen the Minnesota child welfare workforce. Let us know what you think!
Trainer Bio: Cheryl Stevens
Learn more about Cheryl Stevens, Child Welfare Foundations Trainer for the Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy (MNCWTA).
Academy Updates Blog Posts
The Training Academy offers regular blog posts to keep child welfare professionals updated on the latest information. Below are some of the most recent blog posts that you may have missed. If you have ideas for future blog posts, let us know at info@mnchildwelfaretraining.com.