Welcome to The Acorn! Each month we share the latest trainings, data, and resources available to child welfare professionals throughout Minnesota. This month we would like to provide an update on the latest happenings with the Training Academy.
Returning to In-Person Learning: We have begun to schedule a few in-person trainings at the Twin Cities Metro Learning Center, but are also
following the ever-changing state and local guidelines to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our trainees and trainers. We hope to see you all in a classroom soon, but will continue to make contingency plans so that, regardless of what happens, your training needs will be met.
Regional Learning Centers: Several of our staff have visited the new Northwest training location in Detroit Lakes. We are still hoping to hear from organizations in the Northeast (Saint Louis County), Southwest (Chippewa/Lac qui Parle/Yellow Medicine/Swift County), and Southeast
(Steele County). Learn more about submitting a proposal. If you have questions contact Emily Batts at krzyk004@umn.edu.
Employment Opportunities: The Training Academy is still accepting applications for a Simulation Program Specialist, as well as for two Curriculum Developers. Please help us spread the word about these positions. Learn more about these employment opportunities on our website.
RegistrationTo register for any of the following courses, visit TrainLink and select Class Schedule. Step-by-step instructions can be found here.
For full courses, please add your name to the waiting list; this will help us determine if additional sections need to be scheduled.
If registration has closed, or if you have trouble with any other part of registration, contact Myrna Klegin at mklegin@umn.edu.
Legal Practice Skills (CSP8205A) August 16-17 | 9:00AM-12:30PM Each Day | Online This is a "must take" class for anyone who may find themselves involved in child protection legal proceedings. Federal and Minnesota law requires county agencies to engage in reasonable efforts to support families involved in the child welfare system. This class discusses how case workers can do so by learning about their roles and responsibilities, collaborating with other courtroom professionals, and focusing on families’ cultures and strengths. Additionally, this class will cover in-depth the role of the case worker in court proceedings, including proper documentation, preparing for various court hearings, and tips for testifying at trials.
Signs of Safety (CSP8301B) August 17-19 | 9:00AM-1:00PM Each Day | Online This three-day workshop will cover the basic principles, skill, and tools of Sign of Safety (SofS). This will include, but not be limited to: A Signs of Safety overview and brief history; Appreciative Inquiry; The Questioning Approach; Harm and Danger
Statements and Safety Goals; Three Houses, Safety House; Mapping; Safety Planning and Safety Networks.
Case Planning (CSP2103B) August 19 | 9:00AM-4:00PM | Online (WAITLIST) October 7 | 9:00AM-4:00PM | Twin Cities Metro Learning Center Participants will utilize strengths-based strategies in case planning with complex families in the child welfare system. Participants will complete goals and tasks for Child Protective Services and Out of Home Placement Plans.
Sexually Exploited Youth Overview (CSP239A) August 16-17 | 9:00AM-12:30PM Each Day| Online (WAITLIST) This course will provide an overview of human trafficking and sexual exploitation of children in Minnesota, including identifying risk factors, red flags, and best practices for working with Sexually Exploited Youth. Participants will learn the Department of Human Services’ guidance on responding to Sexually Exploited Youth within Minnesota’s Child Welfare System in the context of legislative efforts including Public Law 114-22, Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, and Minnesota’s Safe Harbor Law and No Wrong Door Model.
Sexually Exploited Youth Human Trafficking Child Welfare Response (CSP239B) August 19 | 9:00AM-12:30PM | Online Participants will learn the Department of Human Services’ guidance on responding to Sexually Exploited Youth within Minnesota’s Child Welfare System in the context of legislative efforts including Public Law 114-22, Justice for Victims of Trafficking
Act, and Minnesota’s Safe Harbor Law and No Wrong Door Model. Sexually Exploited Youth Overview (CSP239A) is the prerequisite for this course.
Accommodation RequestsIf you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in a training, contact us as soon as possible at info@mnchildwelfaretraining.com.
Attendance If you need to cancel, even if it seems last minute, please contact Myrna Klegin at mklegin@umn.edu. Our class sizes tend to be small and we often have a waiting list. Trainees who miss more than
30 minutes of any given training will not receive CEUs; for required training you will need to repeat the entire course.
Training Data | July 2021
The Minnesota
Child Welfare Training Academy (MNCWTA) would like to introduce Richard Webb, our new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Specialist.
As a thought leader and talented facilitator, Richard has led and collaborated in different capacities training and facilitating experiences that support successful racial and multicultural inclusiveness within diverse environments. He has worked in educational, corporate, and nonprofit institutions as an
innovator, bridge builder, voice, and practitioner. Richard uses developmental approaches that yield demonstrated behavioral outcomes for individuals and organizations that are goal driven, multicultural/racial, proactive, and responsive. Learn more...
FFPSA Webinars To register for any of the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) policy webinars and SSIS coffee talks taking
place during August and September, visit here. Registration is required. Note: The Juvenile Treatment Screening Team SSIS Coffee talk has been rescheduled for Thursday, August 19 at 2:30 p.m. All webinars will be recorded and posted at a later time on this page for those who were not able to attend the live presentations.
Foster Parent College The Training Academy offers Minnesota families, counties, and tribes free access to curriculum and resources developed by the nationally recognized Foster Parent College (FPC). There is also an option for Pre-Service Training that allows counties and tribes to receive training delivered by an Academy trainer via a pre-scheduled cohort or have a member of their own team deliver the content. To learn more about this program and get involved, we are offering two virtual informational sessions on Tuesday, August 17. Learn
Curriculum Development Update
FFPSA: New Qualified Individual Training
The Federal Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) has new requirements for when children/youth are placed in child care institutions. In Minnesota, child care institutions are defined as corporate foster homes, group homes, and residential treatment centers for children. One of the new requirements is for an independent assessment to be completed by a (qualified) individual who is not connected to the placing agency or the facility to determine whether or not a child’s/youth’s needs can be met within their family or family foster home rather than being placed in a child care institution. Consequently, Training Academy staff have partnered with the Department of Human Services Child Safety and Permanency Unit to design new “Qualified Individual” training. This training is necessary to meet the new federal requirements.
Clinicians and community members will become “Qualified Individuals” who are prepared for the Qualified Residential Treatment Program Assessment. The pilot of this new curriculum began at the end of July. More information about this training will be released soon.
Child Welfare Workforce Wellbeing
The best way to thrive during these trying times is to find ways to take care of yourself. Following are several options that may be
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