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All MI Courses and Pathways are Now Available

The Training Academy is happy to announce that all Motivational Interviewing (MI) courses and Pathways are now available for Minnesota county and tribal child protection workers and their supervisors. Following are the Pathway options:

Pathway 1 is for those who want to complete all training and assessment through the Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy. 

Pathway 2 is for those who have already completed MI training with a certified MINT trainer.

Pathway 3 is for Minnesota county and tribal agencies who want to host their own MI training with a certified MINT trainer.

All pathways require learners to successfully complete ICWA/MIFPA training. More information about that prerequisite is available on our website

All pathways also require learners to have a Training Portal profile with the Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy. To login to the Portal or to request a profile, look for the LOGIN/REGISTER button in the top right corner of our website.

group of learners engaged in a coaching circle

Fidelity Monitoring

DHS is in the process of contracting with LYSSN, an artificial intelligence (AI) data analysis software tool, for ongoing Fidelity Monitoring and working to establish a rollout process with agencies as staff become trained. Agencies will be contacted directly by DHS regarding implementation and Fidelity Monitoring as their workers become trained. Ongoing fidelity monitoring is intended to provide workers and supervisors support as they implement Motivational Interviewing and is a requirement under the FFPSA. 

Title IV-E Prevention Services Claiming

Claiming for Title IV-E funding for MI services is expected to begin later in 2024. Information specific to claiming and other updates are available on the DHS website

If you have questions about anything related to Motivational Interviewing, contact

Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy

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Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy (MNCWTA), 1711 County Road B West Suite 200N, Roseville, MN 55113, United States

The Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy (MNCWTA) is a collaboration between the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) Child Safety and Permanency Division and the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (CASCW) at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.

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