
Training Academy email header
November 2022
Welcome to The Acorn! Each month we share the latest trainings and resources available to child welfare professionals throughout Minnesota.

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Evaluation Data Collection Methods
In this article from our Evaluation and Certification work team, our staff share a newly developed data collection table, which describes the types of data collection methods they are using to answer evaluation questions. Learn more...

Training Portal Pro Tips
Over the coming weeks, the Training Academy will share tips that are based on commonly asked questions from Training Portal users. Pro Tip #1: How to withdraw from a course was shared last week. These tips will be emailed directly to active Training Portal account holders.

November is National Adoption Month
The Children’s Bureau is focusing on how Small Steps Open Doors for youth along their journey to permanency. Tribes and agencies can use their Official Outreach Toolkit, created in partnership with the Child Welfare Information Gateway, to spread the word on the need for adoptive families.

November is Native American Heritage Month
This month is a time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories and to acknowledge the important contributions of Native people. Learn more...

The courses below are now available for registration through the Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy (MNCWTA) Training Portal. Go to our website,, and then log-in to the Training Portal using the top-right navigation. From there, select the Training Catalog, where you will find course descriptions and links to register.
Current Workers and Supervisors

Collaborative Safety - Advanced Practice (CWTA X208)

December 6-8 | 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Each Day | Online

Mandated Reporter Training (CWTA X101) | Self-Paced Online
This 45-minute training is designed for child welfare professionals identified by law who must make a report if they have reason to believe that maltreatment of a child has occurred. The course you select will depend on your job title and responsibilities.

National Adoption Competency Mental Health Training Initiative (NTI) CW Supervisors (CWTA X401) | Self-Paced Online
NTI for Child Welfare Supervisors is a 25-hour, web-based training that focuses on case work practices and professional skills for staff across the child welfare continuum to promote child well-being, permanency, and family stability for children living with foster, adoptive, or guardianship families. Child Welfare Supervisors will receive a “Supervisor Coaching and Activity Guide” to support staff in applying learning to daily practice.

New Worker Training

Child Welfare Foundations Training (CWTA X100)
Foundations training is only for new county and tribal workers who are involved in child protection, and is assigned by a supervisor or tribal leader through the Training Portal. Participants must be able to attend all dates/times.

NTI Modules: The NTI self-paced online training, which previously was built into each Foundations cohort, is now a separate course. Supervisors can assign this to new workers, or have new staff register on their own, as it is still a requirement for completing Foundations. Look for the National Adoption Competency Mental Health Training Initiative (NTI) CW Professionals (CWTA X401) course in the Training Catalog.

Cohort 103 | Online
  • Classroom 1: January 10-12 (9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Each Day)
  • TTCP ICWA/MIFPA Training: January 24-25 (9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Each Day)
  • Classroom 2: February 7-9 (9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Each Day)
  • SSIS Classroom 2 Lab: February 14 (9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Online)
  • Classroom 3: February 28 - March 2 (9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Each Day)
  • SSIS Classroom 3 Lab: March 7 (9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Online)
  • Classroom 4: March 21-23 (9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Each Day)

Accommodation Requests

If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in a training, contact us as soon as possible at


Trainees who miss more than 30 minutes of any given training will not receive CEUs; for required training, you will need to repeat the entire course.

Need to Cancel Your Registration?

Our class sizes tend to be small and we often have a waiting list. Follow the instructions here if you need to drop a course.

Staff Highlights
Nadia Mohamed
Nadia Mohamed
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Specialist

Nadia is a Metropolitan State University graduate who earned her undergrad in HR management. During her college years, she worked as a community organizer and advocate working on issues such as housing and equity in St. Louis Park. After graduating, she worked as an equity specialist at Robbinsdale Area Schools. She specializes in developing and facilitating DEI training. Learn more...
Megan Brown
Megan Brown
Curriculum Developer

Megan received her undergraduate degrees in Psychology and Anthropology from the University of Wyoming and her Master of Social Work from the University of Utah. Megan has spent the last six years working in child welfare. She is passionate about creating curriculum that measures training competencies and helps provide ongoing support for learners. Learn more...
Michelle Deziel
Michelle Deziel
Curriculum Developer

Michelle will be creating content in collaboration with team and other professionals. She has 10+ years of experience in creating, collaborating, revising, instructing, and implementing learning solutions for diverse learners. She enjoys creating and collaborating with other professionals. Learn more...
Other Training and Webinars
ICWA Supreme Court Hearing Forum
The Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (CASCW) is hosting a virtual forum on November 15 from 10-11:30 a.m. about the upcoming ICWA Supreme Court Hearing. Speakers will help attendees understand what is at stake in this case as well as break down the arguments each side presented to the court both written and oral. Tribal perspective and judicial perspectives will also play a vital role in this forum. The webinar will be recorded. CEUs will be offered. Learn more and register here.

Foster Parent College
The Training Academy offers Minnesota families, counties, and tribes free access to curriculum and resources developed by the nationally recognized Foster Parent College (FPC), as well as a Preservice Training. Learn more about these options.

Qualified Individual Training
In support of the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA or Family First), training is available to prepare clinicians and community members to become Qualified Individuals (QIs). Learn more...

Northeast News
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Home From School: The Children of Carlisle
This film dives into history of the Carlisle Indian Industrial School, the U.S.’s flagship off-reservation boarding institution, and follows the modern-day journey of the Northern Arapaho Tribe as they seek to bring home three of their children who died at Carlisle over 100 years ago.

When: November 15 from 5:30-7:00 p.m.
Where: 1207 Ordean Circle, Bohannon 90, Duluth, Minnesota 55812

This event is part of Native American Heritage Month, and is sponsored by the Center for Regional and Tribal Child Welfare Studies and the Department of Social Work at the University of Minnesota Duluth.

Training Data | October 2022
253 hours of training and 254 attendees
Visit here to view the complete training report for October. Indian Child Welfare (ICWA) Foundation training is developed and provided by the Tribal Training and Certification Partnership (TTCP).
Employment Opportunities
join our team
The Training Academy is seeking applicants for:
  • Child Welfare Training and Policy Liaison Lead
  • Metro Staff Trainer (2 Open Positions)
  • Curriculum Developer
  • Community Trainer: Family Group Decision Making (FGDM)
  • Community Trainer: Sexually Exploited Youth (SEY)

Visit our
employment page to learn more about each position!
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Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy (MNCWTA), 1711 County Road B West Suite 200N, Roseville, MN 55113, United States

The Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy (MNCWTA) is a collaboration between the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) Child Safety and Permanency Division and the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (CASCW) at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.

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