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February 2023
Welcome to The Acorn! Each month we share the latest trainings and resources available to child welfare professionals throughout Minnesota.

February is Black History Month
Acknowledging, understanding, and celebrating Black history is especially important for the field of child welfare, which has historically caused great harm to Black children and families in the United States. Learn more...

Mandated Reporter Training for Youth Programs
As part of the recently updated training for Mandated Reporters in Minnesota, a module for Youth Program staff is now available. This no-cost, self-paced 15-minute training is designed for employees or supervisors of private or public youth recreation programs identified by law who must make a report if they have reason to believe that maltreatment of a child has occurred. Learn more...

Regional Learning Center Open Houses
Following the successful Grand Opening of the Twin Cities Metro Learning Center in September 2022, we will be hosting similar celebrations at our Regional Learning Centers. Each open house will go from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., and feature a listening session, hosted by our Evaluation and Certification Team, a presentation from the Tribal Training and Certification Partnership (TTCP), lunch, and an opportunity to meet with staff from each of our work teams. Save the dates: Southwest on April 21, Northwest on May 5, and Southeast on June 12. Registration and more information will be available soon!

Intercultural Tool Pilot for Upcoming New Worker Training
In the coming months, many new workers will be introduced to an intercultural tool before and during their completion of Child Welfare Foundations Training (CWTA X100). Learn more...

Training Portal Pro Tips
Over the past month, three new Pro Tips have been shared with Training Portal users: How to Confirm your Course Notifications, How to Search the Training Catalog, and How to Grant Canvas Permission. An archive of all Pro Tips can be found here.
The courses below are now available for registration through the Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy (MNCWTA) Training Portal. Go to our website,, and then log-in to the Training Portal using the top-right navigation. From there, select the Training Catalog, where you will find course descriptions and links to register.
Current Workers and Supervisors

Legal Practice Skills (CWTA X201)
March 14 | 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. | Southeast Regional Training Center

Signs of Safety + Signs of Safety: Three Month Review (CWTA X215)
March 15-16 | 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Each Day | Southeast Regional Training Center
June 15 | 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. | Online

Domestic Violence Co-Occurrence: Partnering and Engaging Parents (CWTA X209)

April 11 | 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | Online

Self-Paced Online Training

Mandated Reporter Training (CWTA X101)
This 45-minute training is designed for child welfare professionals identified by law who must make a report if they have reason to believe that maltreatment of a child has occurred. The course you select will depend on your job title and responsibilities. A module for Youth Programs is also now available. Learn more...

National Adoption Competency Mental Health Training Initiative (NTI) CW Supervisors (CWTA X401)
NTI for Child Welfare Supervisors is a 25-hour, web-based training that focuses on case work practices and professional skills for staff across the child welfare continuum to promote child well-being, permanency, and family stability for children living with foster, adoptive, or guardianship families.

Coming Soon (registration typically opens approximately two months prior to start date)

Human Trafficking and Sexually Exploited Youth: Basic Training for Child Welfare (CWTA X205)
April 18 | 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | Online
April 24 | 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | Online

Family Group Decision Making: Overview and Facilitation (CWTA X202)
May 15-16 | 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Each Day | Online

New Worker Training

Child Welfare Foundations Training (CWTA X100)
Foundations training is only for new county and tribal workers who are involved in child protection, and is assigned by a supervisor or tribal leader through the Training Portal. Participants must be able to attend all dates/times. Remind your employees that they still need to enroll in a course even after you assigned it to them. Learn more here. A checklist of all new worker requirements can be found here.

ICWA/MIFPA: For workers who have completed Foundations and are only looking for ICWA/MIFPA training, see the ICWA/MIFPA Ongoing Worker Training option below.

NTI Modules: The NTI self-paced online training, which previously was built into each Foundations cohort, is now a separate course. Supervisors can assign this to new workers, or have new staff register on their own, as it is still a requirement for completing Foundations. Look for the National Adoption Competency Mental Health Training Initiative (NTI) CW Professionals (CWTA X401) course in the Training Catalog.

  • Classroom 1: March 14-16 (9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Each Day)
  • TTCP ICWA/MIFPA Training: March 28-29 (9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Each Day)
  • Classroom 2: April 11-13 (9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Each Day)
  • SSIS Classroom 2 Lab: April 18 (9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Online)
  • Classroom 3: May 2-4 (9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Each Day)
  • SSIS Classroom 3 Lab: May 9 (9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Online)
  • Classroom 4: May 16-18 (9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Each Day)

Cohort 106 | Twin Cities Metro Learning Center
Note: This cohort is part of a pilot that will use a cross-cultural assessment. Participants must be registered no later than March 17. Supervisor and Tribal Leader information is located here.

  • Classroom 1: April 4-6 (9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Each Day)
  • TTCP ICWA/MIFPA Training: April 18-19 (9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Each Day)
  • Classroom 2: May 9-11 (9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Each Day)
  • SSIS Classroom 2 Lab: May 16 (9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Online)
  • Classroom 3: June 6-8 (9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Each Day)
  • SSIS Classroom 3 Lab: June 14 (9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Online)
  • Classroom 4: June 27-29 (9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Each Day)

Coming Soon

Cohort 107 | April - July | Southeast Learning Center
Cohort 108 | May - July | Northwest Learning Center
Cohort 109 | June - August | Northeast Learning Center

Accommodation Requests
If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in a training, contact us as soon as possible at

Trainees who miss more than 30 minutes of any given training will not receive CEUs; for required training, you will need to repeat the entire course.

Need to Cancel Your Registration?
Our class sizes tend to be small and we often have a waiting list. Follow the instructions here if you need to drop a course.

Other Trainings and Webinars
ICWA/MIFPA Ongoing Worker Training
This training is brought to you by the University of Minnesota Duluth Tribal Training and Certification Partnership (TTCP). This is an introductory course to the basics of the history of ICWA and application of ICWA and MIFPA. Course registration is located in the MNCWTA Training Catalog.
ICWA/MIFPA Ongoing Worker Training (CWTA X212)
  • February 27-28 | 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Each Day | Online
  • March 1-2 | 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Each Day | Online

Permanency Regional Training

The DHS Permanency Support Unit staff will hold permanency trainings at the Regional Learning Centers across Minnesota. Each training will be in person; space will be limited to the room size at each location. These offerings are designed for county and tribal child welfare and/or child protection workers. Below are the dates:

Each training is from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Learn more about these trainings and how to register here.

SSIS Coffee Talk
The SSIS Business Section at DHS will be hosting the SSIS Coffee Talk about the Statewide Release v23.1 on Tuesday, February 21 at 9:00 a.m. The SSIS Statewide Release v23.1 is scheduled for Wednesday, February 22, at 6:00 p.m. Registration is required and will close one hour prior to the event. Submit questions in advance to Heide Moris at

2023 Annual ICWA Conference
The Annual Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Conference, being held from March 21-22 at Grand Casino in Hinckley, MN, is an opportunity for tribal and county child welfare workers and administrators to spend two days together developing new practice skills, sharing collective experiences, and learning with other American Indian child welfare professionals and scholars in a tribal context. Learn more and register here!

The Inherent Strengths in Kinship Families: Kinship Care Training for Caregivers and Professionals
On Wednesday, March 1 from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Central, Dr. Joseph Crumbley, Family Therapist, Trainer, and Consultant, will introduce his newest training will discuss attachment, legacies, identity, healing, adaptability, and co-parenting. Learn more and register here!

Staff Highlights
Marissa Kirby-Stofferahn
Marissa Kirby-Stofferahn
Policy Liaison Lead

Prior to moving to the Training Academy, Marissa worked for the Child Safety and Permanency Division at the Department of Human Services (DHS). She worked in constituent services and safety policy, helping families and community members with child welfare concerns and providing technical assistance to child welfare agencies. Learn more...

Meeting Guides to Strengthen Client Engagement Skills
The Center for Practice Transformation (CPT) published five highly applicable Meeting Guides to help child welfare workers engage with families, specifically around substance use. Each guide provides professionals with skills and strategies to navigate challenging situations and offer parents and caregivers very practical ways to support and enhance their recovery. Learn more...
Training Data | January 2023
150 hours of training and 209 attendees
Visit here to view the complete training report for January. Indian Child Welfare (ICWA) Foundation training is developed and provided by the Tribal Training and Certification Partnership (TTCP).
Funding Available for Child Abuse Prevention Month Events
The Minnesota Department of Human Services is seeking to sponsor a limited number of community-based and Tribal organizations in hosting events to celebrate the promotion of family well-being and Child Abuse Prevention Month in April 2023. Sponsorships may be used for a variety of events, activities, and materials to promote access to community resources and building family and community connections.

Sponsored activities must take place between April 1-30, 2023. Sponsorships between $1,000 and $5,000 per agency are available for at least 12 agencies. Organizations hosting events to engage Black, Indigenous, or communities of color, or other underserved communities are encouraged to apply.

To be considered for sponsorship, send Lydia Pfluger an event flyer and short description of the event and planned activities. Include the amount requested and agency contact information. Please limit submission to two pages. Requests are due by February 28 ( Please contact them for accessibility accommodation requests.
Employment Opportunities
Department of Human Services (DHS)
  • Child Safety Consultant (Job ID: 62870) Closing Date: 02/22/2023
  • Constituent Services Consultant (Job ID: 62876) Closing Date: 02/23/2023

Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (CASCW)
  • Executive Office and Administrative Specialist
  • Web and Digital Specialist
  • CASCW Child Welfare Workforce Researcher
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Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy (MNCWTA), 1711 County Road B West Suite 200N, Roseville, MN 55113, United States

The Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy (MNCWTA) is a collaboration between the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) Child Safety and Permanency Division and the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (CASCW) at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.

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